Performing Istikhara is a powerful way to seek Allah’s guidance when making important decisions. By beginning with Wudu, praying two rakats of Nafl prayer, reciting the Istikhara Dua, reflecting on Allah’s guidance, and recognizing the signs of response, you can navigate life’s uncertainties with faith and confidence.
Istikhara for a decision begins by performing two units of voluntary prayer (Salat al-Istikhara) with a sincere intention. After completing the prayer, recite the Istikhara dua, asking Allah to guide you toward what is best for your faith, life, and future while keeping harm away.
Seeking guidance through Istikhara is a powerful way to entrust your decisions to Allah, especially when facing uncertainty. Let’s learn together how to do it step-by-step!
When confronted with important choices, the Istikhara prayer offers a structured approach to seek divine guidance. By following these steps, you can create a spiritual connection with Allah, allowing Him to direct you toward what is best for your faith:
1. Begin with Wudu
Before starting the Istikhara prayer, it is essential to perform Wudu (ablution) to ensure you are in a state of purity. Wudu is a physical and spiritual preparation that cleanses the body and mind, allowing you to focus fully on your connection with Allah (SWT). To perform Wudu:
- Wash Your Hands: Begin by washing your hands up to the wrists three times.
- Rinse Your Mouth and Nose: Take water into your mouth and rinse it thoroughly, then sniff water into your nose and blow it out.
- Wash Your Face: Wash your face from the hairline to the chin and from ear to ear.
- Wash Your Arms: Wash your right arm up to the elbow three times, then do the same for your left arm.
- Wipe Your Head: Wet your hands and wipe your head from the forehead to the back of the neck.
- Wash Your Feet: Wash your right foot up to the ankles three times, then do the same for your left foot.
Once you have completed Wudu, you are ready to perform the Istikhara prayer. This state of purity helps you approach the prayer with a clear and focused mind, ready to seek Allah’s guidanc
2. Pray Two Rakats of Nafl Prayer
The core of Istikhara is performing two rakats of Nafl (voluntary) prayer. These two rakats are specifically intended for seeking Allah’s guidance. Here’s how to perform them:
- Make the Intention (Niyyah): In your heart, sincerely intend to perform two rakats of Nafl prayer for Istikhara. There is no need to say the intention out loud; it is a personal commitment to Allah.
- First Rakat:
- Begin by saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) to start the prayer.
- Recite Surah Al-Fatihah (the opening chapter of the Quran).
- After Surah Al-Fatihah, recite another Surah or verses from the Quran. Many people choose to recite Surah Al-Ikhlas (Surah 112) or Surah Al-Kafirun (Surah 109), but any Surah you are comfortable with is acceptable.
- Perform Ruku (bowing) and Sujood (prostration) as you would in any other prayer.
- Second Rakat:
- Repeat the same steps as the first rakat: recite Surah Al-Fatihah followed by another Surah.
- Perform Ruku and Sujood again.
- After the second Sujood, sit for Tashahhud (testimony of faith) and end the prayer with Salam (turning your head to the right and left, saying “Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah”).
These two rakats are a way to connect with Allah and prepare your heart to seek His guidance.
3. Recite the Istikhara Dua
After completing the two rakats, the next step is to recite the Istikhara Dua. This is a special supplication in which you ask Allah (SWT) to guide you to the best decision. The Dua can be recited in Arabic or in your native language if you do not know the Arabic version. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) taught a specific Dua for Istikhara, which is as follows:
Istikhara Dua in Arabic
اللهم إني استخيرك بعلمك واستقدرك بقدرتك واسالك من فضلك العظيم. فإنك تقدر ولا اقدر وتعلم ولا اعلم وانت علام الغيوب. اللهم إن كنت تعلم أن هذا الامر (اذكر الأمر) خير لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة امري او عاجله وآجله فاقدره لي ويسره لي ثم بارك لي فيه. وإن كنت تعلم أن هذا الامر شر لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة امري او عاجله وآجله فاصرفه عني واصرفني عنه، واقدر لي الخير حيث كان ثم ارضني.
Istikhara Dua in English
The Dua of Istikhara should be recited with sincerity and trust in Allah’s wisdom, asking for His guidance in making the best choice. Here is the Istikhara Dua in English:
O Allah, I seek Your guidance by Your knowledge, and I seek strength from Your power, and I ask You from Your immense bounty. For You are capable, and I am not, and You know, and I do not. You are the Knower of the unseen.
O Allah, if You know that this matter (then mention the matter or decision) is good for me in my religion, my livelihood, and my affairs, both immediate and distant, then ordain it for me, make it easy for me, and bless me with it.
And if You know that this matter is harmful to me in my religion, my livelihood, and my affairs, both immediate and distant, then turn it away from me and turn me away from it. And ordain for me the good wherever it may be, and make me content.
4. Reflect and Trust Allah’s Guidance
After performing the prayer and reciting the Dua, the next step is to reflect and trust Allah’s guidance. This involves being patient and open to the signs and feelings that may come after the prayer. Here’s how to approach this:
- Pay Attention to Your Feelings: Often, Allah’s guidance comes in the form of a sense of peace or clarity about a particular choice. If you feel a strong inclination toward one option, it may be a sign of Allah’s guidance.
- Observe Your Circumstances: Sometimes, Allah’s guidance manifests through changes in your circumstances. For example, doors may open or close in ways that make the decision clearer. Be mindful of these signs and consider how they align with your options.
- Seek Advice: Consult trusted individuals, such as family members, friends, or scholars, who can provide wise and objective advice. Their input may help you see things from a different perspective and make a more informed decision.
- Take Action: Once you feel confident about a decision, take the necessary steps to move forward. Trust that Allah has guided you to the best choice, even if it may not seem perfect at the time.

5. Learn Istikhara Signs of Response
Istikhara signs often come as feelings of ease or hesitation. Look for a sense of peace moving forward, or lingering doubt as possible guidance. Dreams can sometimes offer hints, but clarity in your heart is key.
- Feelings of Ease or Hesitation: If you feel a sense of peace and ease about a particular decision, it may be a sign that it is the right choice. Conversely, if you feel hesitation or discomfort, it may indicate that the decision is not in your best interest.
- Changes in Circumstances: Allah may guide you through changes in your circumstances, such as new opportunities or obstacles that make the decision clearer.
- Dreams: While not everyone experiences dreams as a sign, some people may receive guidance through dreams. However, dreams should not be the sole basis for your decision; they should be considered alongside other signs and feelings.
- Clarity in Your Heart: Ultimately, the most important sign is the clarity you feel in your heart. Trust your instincts and the sense of peace that comes from trusting Allah’s guidance.

True Meaning of Istikhara
We all now know how to perform it and wait for Allah’s plan, but have we ever wondered about its meaning? Well, the true meaning of Istikhara is to seek Allah’s guidance, entrusting Him with decisions we’re unsure of. It’s about surrendering, acknowledging His wisdom, and asking Him to guide us toward what is best in this life and the next.
Check this Istikhara Guide to learn more!

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Istikhara is a beautiful reminder to rely on Allah in moments of indecision. By praying with sincerity and patience, you open your heart to divine guidance, accepting whatever outcome He wills. Remember, the answer may come in subtle forms, so stay attentive, trust in His wisdom, and take comfort in the process.