How to Learn Quran with Tajweed? 10+ Steps and Tips

How to Learn Quran for Kids: 23 Golden Pieces of Advice How to Learn Quran with Tajweed? 10+ Steps and Tips

Learning Quran with Tajweed by mastering the Arabic alphabet and understanding Tajweed terminology, listening to experts and finding a qualified teacher for personalized guidance, and practicing regularly while focusing on precision, patience, and persistence for gradual improvement.

Our Honorable Quran will come on the day of Resurrection as an intercessor for its companions. It is a complete code of life sent as guidance for the entire human race. In this article, we will cover some Quran recitation tips and etiquettes on how to learn Quran with Tajweed, most of them are not compulsory, they are just recommendable to make your heart attached to the Quran and bring you closer to Allah.

The lines mentioned above clearly show why it is crucial to learn to recite the Quran properly; the way it is supposed to be read and the way it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad because it comes to learning how to read Allah’s book, one should give it its due respect and attention and appreciate its greatness. So, Let’s start!

How to Learn Quran with Tajweed?

Mastering Tajweed involves learning basics like the Arabic alphabet and Tajweed terminology. Listen to skilled reciters, find a qualified teacher, and practice regularly. Start with shorter surahs, break down complex rules, record yourself, and seek feedback. Be patient and persistent in your Tajweed journey.

1. Start with the Basics: 

Learning the Arabic alphabet and its pronunciation provides the groundwork for Tajweed. This step ensures you understand the building blocks of Quranic recitation and can correctly articulate each letter, which is crucial for applying Tajweed rules effectively.

2. Understand Tajweed Terminology: 

Tajweed vocabulary includes terms like “Makhaarij Al-Huroof” (articulation points) and “Sifaat Al-Huroof” (characteristics of letters). Understanding these terms clarifies how sounds are produced and helps in recognizing and applying Tajweed rules accurately.

3. Listen to Experts: 

You might ask: how to learn Tajweed by yourself? Well, Listening to proficient reciters not only exposes you to beautiful Quranic recitation but also helps you internalize proper pronunciation, rhythm, and melody. It’s like learning a musical instrument by listening to skilled musicians—you absorb the nuances and techniques through observation and imitation.

4. Find a Qualified Teacher: 

Another easy way to learn Quran recitation is to find a qualified Tajweed teacher who guides you through the intricacies of Quranic recitation, corrects your mistakes, and provides personalized feedback. This direct interaction ensures you receive accurate guidance tailored to your specific learning needs.

Riwaq Al Quran has a team of skilled tutors who are ready to help you read the Quran properly and learn the Tajweed rules theoretically and practically using examples from the Quran. 

5. Practice Regularly: 

Consistent practice is essential for developing fluency and proficiency in Tajweed. Just like any skill, regular practice reinforces learning and helps you internalize Tajweed rules until they become second nature.

Furthermore, consistent practice in Tajweed not only aids in mastering the technical aspects but also fosters a deeper spiritual connection with the Quran. As learners engage with the intricacies of pronunciation and melody, they often find themselves drawn closer to the meanings and messages embedded within the verses. 

This spiritual resonance adds a profound dimension to their practice, making it not just an exercise in skill-building but a transformative journey of personal growth and connection with the divine. Therefore, by committing to regular practice, learners not only refine their Tajweed proficiency but also enrich their spiritual experience with the Quran.

6. Focus on Quality, Not Quantity: 

Tajweed emphasizes precision over speed. By prioritizing accuracy and clarity in your recitation, you ensure that each letter is pronounced correctly according to Tajweed rules, even if it means reciting at a slower pace.

7. Memorize Short Surahs: 

Starting with shorter surahs allows you to focus on mastering Tajweed rules without feeling overwhelmed. It’s like learning to swim in shallow water before diving into the deep end—you build confidence and competence gradually.

This approach fosters a sense of accomplishment as learners make steady progress, reinforcing their motivation to continue advancing in their Tajweed journey. Additionally, mastering Tajweed in shorter surahs lays a strong foundation for tackling more complex passages in the Quran, empowering learners to navigate the intricacies of recitation with confidence and ease.

8. Break Down Complex Rules:

Complex Tajweed rules can be challenging to grasp all at once. Breaking them into smaller, digestible segments enables you to understand and apply each rule effectively before moving on to more advanced concepts.

9. Use Tajweed Guides: 

Tajweed resources provide detailed explanations and examples of Tajweed rules, making learning more accessible and structured. These guides serve as valuable references for understanding and practicing Tajweed principles.

10. Record Yourself: 

Recording your recitations allows you to assess your progress objectively and identify areas for improvement. It’s like having a mirror to reflect on your performance, helping you refine your Tajweed skills through self-assessment.

11. Seek Feedback:

Feedback from knowledgeable individuals helps you pinpoint areas needing improvement and guides your learning journey. Constructive criticism from teachers or peers provides valuable insights that accelerate your progress in mastering Tajweed. 

At Riwaq Al Quran, we understand the importance of feedback in the journey of mastering Tajweed. That’s why we prioritize providing regular and constructive feedback to our students. This continuous feedback loop ensures that learners stay on track and continually elevate their proficiency in Tajweed, fostering a supportive learning environment where every student can thrive.

12. Be Patient and Persistent: 

Learning Tajweed is a gradual process that requires patience and perseverance. Understand that mastery takes time, and embrace the journey with dedication and persistence, knowing that every effort contributes to your improvement.

13. Review Regularly: 

Regular review sessions reinforce your understanding of Tajweed rules and prevent knowledge decay over time. Just like revisiting old notes before an exam, periodic review ensures that Tajweed principles remain fresh in your mind and are applied correctly in your recitation.

14. Supplicate for Guidance: 

Spiritual guidance is integral to the learning process, and seeking Allah’s assistance through supplication strengthens your connection to the Quran. Trust in Allah’s guidance and rely on His support as you embark on your journey to master Tajweed.

15. Immerse Yourself in Recitation: 

Actively incorporate Quranic recitation into your daily routine. Whether you’re commuting, exercising, or doing household chores, listen to Quranic recitation. This constant exposure allows you to absorb proper pronunciation and internalize Tajweed rules effortlessly, akin to learning a language by immersion.

16. Join Tajweed Classes or Study Groups: 

Participating in Tajweed classes or study groups fosters a sense of community and accountability. Interacting with fellow learners provides opportunities for peer support, mutual learning, and constructive feedback. Additionally, studying in a structured environment under the guidance of a teacher enhances comprehension and retention of Tajweed principles.

In Riwaq Al Quran, our commitment to excellence ensures that students not only develop fluency in Tajweed but also foster a sense of community and belonging on their journey toward Quranic proficiency.

17. Utilize Technology: 

Leverage technology to supplement your Tajweed learning. Tajweed apps, websites, and online courses offer interactive features, audiovisual resources, and self-paced learning modules. These tools cater to different learning styles, making Tajweed accessible and engaging for learners of all levels.

18. Set Specific Goals: 

Define clear and measurable objectives for your Tajweed practice. For example, you could aim to master a particular Tajweed rule, memorize a specific surah, or improve your recitation speed. Setting specific goals provides direction, motivation, and a sense of achievement as you progress through your Tajweed journey.

19. Reflect on the Meaning: 

While focusing on the technical aspects of Tajweed, don’t lose sight of the spiritual dimension of Quranic recitation. Take moments to ponder the meaning and significance of the verses you recite. Connecting with the profound message of the Quran enhances your reverence for the text and imbues your recitation with deeper meaning and sincerity.

Read more about The Best 5 Apps to Learn Quran With Tajweed: Featured, Pros, And Cons

How Long Does It Take to Learn the Quran with Tajweed?

The time it takes to learn the Quran with Tajweed can differ a lot based on various things. Some of these include what you already know, how often you study, how fast you learn, the quality of teaching, and how committed you are. It’s a journey that needs dedication and patience as you get to grips with the sounds and rules of Quranic recitation. Here are some of these factors:

1. Prior Knowledge: 

If you already have some understanding of Arabic and Quranic recitation, you may be familiar with some of the sounds and pronunciation patterns in the Quran. This familiarity can accelerate your learning process as you won’t be starting entirely from scratch. However, if you’re new to Arabic or Quranic recitation, you’ll need to spend more time learning the basics before delving into Tajweed.

2. Frequency of Study: 

Regular practice is crucial for mastering Tajweed. Consistent study sessions, ideally daily, allow you to reinforce what you’ve learned and gradually internalize the rules. Daily practice helps to maintain continuity and prevents forgetting. The more often you engage with Tajweed, the faster you’ll progress.

3. Individual Learning Pace: 

Everyone learns at their own pace. Some individuals may naturally grasp Tajweed rules quickly, while others may require more time and practice to internalize them. It’s important not to compare your progress to others but rather focus on your improvement and understanding of Tajweed.

4. Quality of Instruction: 

Having a skilled teacher who is knowledgeable about Tajweed and can provide clear guidance and feedback is invaluable. A good teacher can correct your mistakes, clarify confusing concepts, and provide encouragement along the way. The quality of instruction can significantly impact your learning experience and the speed at which you progress.

5. Commitment and Dedication: 

Your commitment to learning and your level of dedication to practicing Tajweed play a crucial role in your progress. Consistent effort and dedication are key to mastering Tajweed. This involves practicing regularly and actively seeking opportunities to improve, such as attending classes, listening to recitations, and seeking feedback from knowledgeable individuals.

On average, it might take several months to a few years to learn the Quran with Tajweed proficiently. However, it’s essential to focus on understanding and applying Tajweed rules accurately rather than rushing through the learning process. Consistent effort and dedication will ultimately lead to mastery.

Read more about How Long Does It Take To Learn Tajweed? Free Personalized Study Plan!

How to learn Tajweed with yourself?

To learn Tajweed independently, start with mastering the Arabic alphabet and understanding Tajweed terminology. Listen to skilled reciters for guidance and find qualified teachers for personalized feedback. 

Practice regularly, focusing on quality over quantity, and memorize short surahs to build confidence gradually. Break down complex rules, use Tajweed guides, and record yourself for self-assessment. Seek feedback, be patient, and review regularly to reinforce learning. 

Additionally, immerse yourself in recitation, join Tajweed classes or study groups, and utilize technology for interactive learning. Set specific goals, reflect on the meaning of verses, and understand that the time it takes to master Tajweed varies based on individual factors like prior knowledge, frequency of study, learning pace, quality of instruction, and commitment level.

Choose the Best Quran Course for You!

If you want to know how to learn Quran online with Tajweed, then you have just come to the right place! Riwaq Al Quran offers a Comprehensive Tajweed Course designed to cater to the needs of learners at every level. With experienced instructors leading the way, our course provides a structured and supportive environment for students to deepen their understanding and mastery of Tajweed principles. 

You can also choose from a wide selection of online Quran courses and have full control of the number of Quran classes you take every week. Contact us now to book the best online Quran course that corresponds to your level and start the rewarding journey of reciting and memorizing the Quran from the comfort of your own home!


To excel in Tajweed, start with the basics: learn the Arabic alphabet for correct pronunciation. Familiarize yourself with Tajweed terminology and listen to proficient reciters to internalize proper pronunciation. 

Finding a qualified teacher at Riwaq Al Quran ensures personalized guidance. Practice regularly, focusing on precision over speed, and memorize shorter surahs to build confidence gradually. 

Break down complex rules and utilize Tajweed guides for structured learning. Record yourself and seek feedback to refine your skills, and above all, be patient and persistent in your journey of mastering Tajweed.

Riwaq Al Quran

Riwaq Al Quran is a prominent online academy that provides comprehensive courses in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies. We utilize modern technology and employ certified teachers to offer high-quality education at affordable rates for individuals of all ages and levels.

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