Why Do Women Wear Hijab? Know More About Hijab In Islam

Why Do Women Wear Hijab

The hijab in Islam is a symbol of modesty, spirituality, and protection, worn by Muslim women as an act of devotion to Allah. It shields women from unwanted attention, fosters modesty both in dress and behavior and serves as a reminder of their religious commitment. While deeply rooted in Islamic teachings, the decision to wear the hijab also carries personal and cultural significance, reflecting a woman’s identity, values, and connection to her faith.

The hijab has been the subject of ongoing discussions about its history, purpose, and reasons for wear among women for several years. While some see it as an oppressive practice, others ignore the fact that it is an obligatory part of Islamic practice for Muslim women.

Actually, modesty is symbolized by the hijab. It is a significant piece of clothing meant to shield women from unwanted attention and to symbolize their modesty and devotion to Allah.

Let’s explore the purpose of the hijab in Islam, why women wear hijab, what is the logic of wearing it, and the other concerns recently popped up about hijab. 

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What Is Hijab?

The Arabic word “ḥijāb,” which means “cover” or “barrier,” is where the name “hijab” comes from. Within the Islamic context, the term “hijab” refers to the modest dress rule, which requires Muslim women to cover their entire body except for their hands and faces.

Why Do Muslim Women Wear Hijab?

Hijabs are worn by Muslim women for a variety of reasons. For some, it represents the transition into maturity. Some choose to wear the hijab as a way of proudly expressing their Muslim identity. Many people wear the covering in observance of cultural or familial regulations. Naturally, a lot of Muslim women decide not to cover themselves. Some decide to reserve wearing it for religious events solely.

Furthermore, Muslim women who have decided to wear it and uphold their modesty do so out of a desire to obey Allah, who is the one who has commanded women to cover all of their adornments.

Also, Women are commanded to wear the hijab as a protection against abuse and enticing others. This is because women are the object of desire and the target of the sexual gaze in most cases.

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What Is The Importance Of Hijab In Islam?

Firstly, the prophet Muhammad commanded his wife to cover up with headscarves, which is how the hijab obligation in Islam began.

Furthermore, Islam places a high value on the hijab since it is seen as a directive from Allah and is mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. It is a way for women to maintain their dignity and modesty. Also, wearing a hijab encourages Muslim women to live their lives by Islamic values and acts as a reminder of their religious beliefs.

Allah says:

“O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.”

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What Are The Social Benefits Of Wearing Hijab?

A lot of people ask: what is the purpose of wearing the hijab? Or even why do Muslim women cover their hair? So we provide some answers that interpret why wearing the hijab can offer several social benefits:

1. To Have A Hijab From The Evil Eyes!

The main purpose of the hijab is to shield women from harmful gaze. And Allah mentions this in saying:

“And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.”

2. Promoting Modesty

The hijab encourages women to dress modestly on the outside by requiring them to wear revealing, neither flashy nor showy clothing. A hijab should cover the neck, chest, and hair, and the wearer should dress modestly and simply to avoid drawing too much attention from men.

In addition, the hijab promotes spiritual modesty since it shows that a woman accepts and complies with Allah’s instructions. It motivates the woman to act modestly as a sign of respect for her headscarf and deepens her relationship with Allah.

3. Ultra Sense Of Protection 

Muslim women who wear the hijab can free themselves from the self-serving desire to demonstrate their attractiveness.

Also, wearing a hijab frees a woman from the social pressure to perform to expectations. She is no longer dependent on other people’s approval of her appearance to win their respect. Allah says:

“That is more suitable that they will be known 2 and not be abused. And ever is Allāh Forgiving and Merciful.”

According to this passage, the hijab shields Muslim women from assault and abuse.

In addition, most of the time, guys assume that women are expecting them when they show off their bodies. However, males are alerted to the fact that a woman is modest when she wears a headscarf. Thus, it is important to treat her with dignity and avoid upsetting her.

On the other hand, Muslim women use the hijab as a kind of protection in several regions of the world. Covering yourself and donning a hijab usually keeps you hidden and out of the spotlight, which reduces the likelihood of harassment and offensive remarks from men.

Furthermore, some culture plays a vital role in obligating the hijab on their women, for example, Muslim women are forced to wear it by law in some countries, even if they do not agree with its style.

Read more about How to Start Wearing a Hijab: Step by Step

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4. The Hijab Is An Identity

The decision to wear a hijab is a personal one that is frequently impacted by a range of factors, such as one’s own interpretation of the symbolism of the hijab, cultural and religious views, and personal preferences. Wearing a hijab allows some women to express their faith and loyalty to Islam, while for others it is a means of taking back control over their bodies and fending against objectification in a culture that frequently sets a high value on looks regardless of their skills and achievements.

Considering the many benefits of donning a hijab, some women may experience bias or unfavorable assumptions as a result of their decision to cover their heads!

So, It is crucial to keep in mind that wearing a hijab is a personal decision and that nobody should face prejudice or discrimination due to their appearance or religious views.

At What Age Do Muslims Wear Hijab?

The age at which Muslim females start donning the hijab is not uniformly established because it frequently depends on cultural, familial, and individual variables.

When they approach puberty (When a child reaches puberty, they reach a mature sexual and physical stage of development), sometimes around the ages of 12 or 13, Muslim females begin donning the headscarf, marking a significant turning point in their religious obligation.

Why Do Some Muslim Not Wear Hijab?

The Qur’an states that “there is no compulsion in religion,” which implies that Muslims have a choice in their religious practice even though wearing the headscarf is seen as mandatory in Islam. For this reason, some Muslim women decide against donning the headscarf.

On the other hand, females may feel forced to wear the hijab due to family customs and cultural influences, which can cause dissatisfaction and a bad opinion of the hijab.

Furthermore, the Western liberal movement has had a big impact on how Muslim women feel about the hijab since it presents it as a sign of imprisonment and implies that taking it off is the path to ultimate freedom.

Finally, in certain Western nations, the hijab could impede women’s abilities to accomplish their goals by acting as a barrier in sectors such as employment and education.

What Happens If A Man Sees A Woman Without Hijab?

In Islam, it is customary for a man to turn away out of respect if he unintentionally spots a lady not wearing a hijab. If the lady did not intend for it to happen, she is not held responsible and the emphasis is still on acting with modesty and decency whenever possible.

Narrated by Muslim, 2159. Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: What is meant by an accidental glance is when his gaze falls upon a non-mahram woman accidentally; there is no sin on him for the first glance but he has to avert his gaze immediately.

Read more about When Can A Woman Take Off Her Hijab?

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Can A Woman Be A Muslim Without Wearing A Hijab?

Indeed, a woman does not need to wear a headscarf to be a Muslim. The wearing of the hijab does not determine one’s faith or commitment to Islamic teachings either.

What Is The Logical Reason For Hijab?

Although there are several justifications for wearing the hijab in Islam, following the commands of Allah is the main one. Muslim societies promote chastity and women’s high status, and the hijab is a reflection of these principles by promoting a culture that values and respects women.

When can a woman take off her hijab?

A woman can take off her hijab in many cases, check the next points to know them: 

1. In Privacy (At Home): 

When you are in a private space, such as your bedroom or bathroom, you can remove your hijab. 

Additionally, you can decorate and beautify yourself for your spouse or your close family members, as this shows affection and strengthens the ties that bind a marriage or family. 

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: The best of you are those who are best to their wives, and I am the best of you to my wives.

2. In The Presence Of Women:

When you are around female family members, including your mother, sister, daughter, or niece, you can take off your hijab. In addition, when you are around other women, whether in a spa, beauty salon, or women-only event, you can also take off your hijab.

3. With your immediate family:

When you are among your father, grandfather, uncle, son, or any close male relatives that you are not allowed to marry, you are free to take off your hijab in front of them. 

Nonetheless, you should continue to behave and dress modestly, and you should stay away from anything that could make them feel uncomfortable or ashamed.

4. For Emergency Or Medical Reasons: 

Any circumstance that puts your health, safety, or well-being in urgent danger is considered an emergency. 

In addition, you can take off your hijab when seeing a dentist, therapist, or doctor for medical purposes. You are allowed to disclose the body parts that are required for testing, diagnosis, or treatment, provided that you do it with honor and decency.

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Can A Muslim Woman Take Her Hijab Off In Front Of Her Husband?

Definitely Yes. The Muslim woman can take off her hijab (headscarf) when she’s with her husband, father, brother, son, or nephew, or other members of her immediate family.

Wearing a hijab is mandatory only when a woman is expected to be seen by a male who is not her spouse or a blood relative. 

Is Forcing To Wear Hijab Haram?

Yes. Islam strongly encourages the hijab, and forcing to wear it is forbidden. Despite their good intentions, people and families who put pressure on their women only serve to degrade the image of Islam and build a negative relationship with Islam. 

Can A Man See A Woman Without Hijab Before Marriage?

No, he is not allowed to see her without a hijab during the engagement period. Seeing her without a head covering is forbidden, whether it is with her permission or not. In case she wears a Niqab, he is free to examine her hands and face when she is covered.

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All Muslim women are required to wear the hijab, which highlights its significance in Islam. This can occasionally give rise to the false impression that it is the most important Islamic obligation for women.

The hijab, however, is only one aspect of Islamic modesty, which goes far beyond clothing. Islam views modesty in a woman’s behavior, speech, and manner of dressing as well as in her interactions with other people.

Finally, the prophet Muhammed said:

“Faith has over seventy branches or over sixty branches, the most excellent of which is the declaration that there is no god but Allah, and the humblest of which is the removal of what is injurious from the path: and modesty is the branch of faith”.

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Riwaq Al Quran is a prominent online academy that provides comprehensive courses in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies. We utilize modern technology and employ certified teachers to offer high-quality education at affordable rates for individuals of all ages and levels.

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