How To Learn Quran For Beginners With Best Tips And Courses?

Easy Way to Learn Quran for Beginners

The Quran, the holy book sent down by Allah, is a source of guidance and light for Muslims. Every Muslim needs to acquire as much knowledge as possible from the Quran to steer towards the right path and earn what they wish for; the Jannah.

Traditionationally, two types of individuals are considered beginners for learning the Quran; children and adults who either have recently converted to Islam or belong to second or third-generation Arab immigrants. This article will walk you through a detailed guide to learning the Quran online for adults, as well as recommended courses.

Why Is Learning the Quran Essential?

Before moving towards the easy way to learn Quran for beginners, we want to shed some light on why learning is essential for every Muslim, regardless of their age.

The first and foremost advantage of learning the Quran is that doing so develops a strong relationship with our Creator. It provides insight regarding all the aspects of life and brings invaluable rewards from Allah. Moreover, learning the Quran will not only benefit us in this life but also in the Hereafter.

Abu Umamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saying, “Read the Quran, for it will come as an intercessor for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection. [Muslim]

Best Way to Learn Quran

To those who want to know an organized and easy way to read Quran in Arabic and do Hifz on their own, here are a few tips that you can follow to do so and learn the book of Allah properly:

Choose a Suitable Time to Learn

The first step is to choose a suitable time to memorize the Quran. You should dedicate a few hours in the morning and then in the evening to learn the Quran by heart.

According to many, the most suitable time to learn the Quran is early in the morning, preferably after Fajr. Your mind will be free from any distress at that time, and there will be fewer distractions as well. You can both revise the previous lessons and proceed with new ones.

After that, you must choose a time to revise what you have learned on a daily basis. The evening is a good time to do so, and we highly suggest reading it to a friend or family member so that they can point out your mistakes. Lastly, read your lesson before sleeping as studies show that it helps memorize better.

Memorize in a Quiet Room

An easy way to learn Quranic Arabic and the key to memorizing effectively is to focus. Because of this, we advise you to learn and read the Quran in a quiet room to avoid distractions. Moreover, if you are learning the Quran at home, then you probably listen to the online recitations, and if you do not sit in a quiet room while listening, then you will not be able to understand the words clearly.

Revise.. Revise.. Revise!

As we mentioned above in this article, practice makes perfect. Revising lectures constantly will help you remember the old ones. It is the best way to learn Quran as there is no point in moving forward with the new lectures if you do not remember the previous ones.

Ask for Allah’s help.

Finally, pray to Allah to help you memorize the Quran how one is supposed to do it. If at any point you think you cannot move forward, get in touch with an online institute that offers courses of Hifz.

Easy Way to Learn Quran Online for For Beginners

Here are some suggestions to assist adults in learning the Quran more effectively, especially for beginners:

1. Mastering the Language: 

One of the primary challenges faced by adults delving into Quranic studies is grappling with the Arabic language. To navigate this hurdle, it’s essential to cultivate a solid foundation in Arabic. Embark on your journey by familiarizing yourself with fundamental Arabic principles. Consider starting with resources like the Noorani Qaida, renowned for its simplicity in acquainting beginners with Quranic Arabic. 

2. Refining Pronunciation: 

Once you’ve gained a foothold in Arabic, devote attention to honing your pronunciation skills. Many beginners find the Nouranya method particularly beneficial as it facilitates language comprehension by deconstructing words. 

Online Quranic learning platforms offer a plethora of resources tailored to diverse age groups and proficiency levels. Take advantage of recorded lectures and interactive sessions to refine your pronunciation at your own pace. Riwaq Al Quran offers a specially designed Noorani Qaida course to help you learn the fundamentals and rules of reading the book of Allah properly. 

3. Embrace Auditory Learning: 

Supplement your textual studies with auditory immersion by listening to Quranic recitations while simultaneously following along in the Mushaf. This multisensory approach enhances not only your recitation but also bolsters overall comprehension and retention.

4. Consistent Practice: 

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Cultivate a habit of daily Quranic reading, committing to reciting at least a page per day. Initially, this endeavor may require a modest time investment, perhaps exceeding 10 minutes. However, with persistent effort, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your recitation prowess, enabling you to navigate Quranic passages more efficiently and fluently, by the grace of Allah.

5. Establish Clear Learning Objectives: 

Before diving into Quranic studies, take time to delineate your learning objectives. Reflect on why you wish to learn the Quran, whether it’s for spiritual enrichment, linguistic proficiency, or both. Setting clear goals will provide direction and motivation throughout your learning journey.

6. Utilize Different Resources: 

Explore a diverse array of resources to cater to different learning styles and preferences. In addition to traditional textbooks and lectures, leverage multimedia platforms offering interactive lessons, mobile applications with gamified learning experiences, and online forums for peer support and collaboration.

7. Create a Structured Study Routine: 

Cultivate discipline by establishing a structured study routine conducive to consistent learning. Allocate specific time slots each day dedicated to Quranic studies, ensuring a balance between theoretical learning, practical application through recitation, and reflection on the meanings and teachings of the verses.

8. Seek Guidance from Knowledgeable Mentors: 

Tap into the expertise of knowledgeable mentors and instructors who can provide personalized guidance and feedback tailored to your learning needs. Enroll in Quranic study circles, seek private tutoring sessions, or participate in online mentorship programs led by qualified scholars and educators.

Riwaq Al Quran Institute has a team of skilled teachers who are all ready to help you through the rewarding journey of learning the Quran.

9. Engage in Reflective Practice: 

Cultivate a habit of reflective practice by pondering upon the meanings and implications of the verses you recite. Incorporate regular contemplation and introspection into your study sessions, striving to deepen your understanding of the Quran’s timeless wisdom and relevance to contemporary life.

10. Embrace Collaborative Learning Opportunities: 

Foster a sense of community by engaging in collaborative learning opportunities with fellow learners. Join Quranic study groups, participate in communal recitation sessions at mosques or Islamic centers, or establish virtual study circles to share insights, exchange knowledge, and support one another’s progress.

11. Persevere with Patience and Persistence: 

Recognize that learning the Quran is a journey marked by gradual progress and occasional setbacks. Cultivate patience and resilience, acknowledging that mastery of the Quranic sciences requires sustained effort and dedication over time. Celebrate small victories along the way, and remain steadfast in your commitment to seeking knowledge and drawing closer to Allah SWT.

12. Diversify Learning Methods: 

Explore a variety of learning methodologies to cater to your individual preferences and strengths. Experiment with techniques such as visual aids, mnemonic devices, storytelling, and role-playing to make Quranic concepts more accessible and memorable. Incorporating diverse learning modalities ensures a dynamic and engaging educational experience.

13. Integrate Technology Wisely: 

Leverage technological advancements to augment your Quranic studies while maintaining a mindful balance. Utilize digital tools such as Quranic apps for memorization and revision, online dictionaries for language comprehension, and virtual reality simulations for immersive learning experiences. However, be discerning in selecting reputable resources and prioritize authentic scholarship over superficial engagement.

14. Immerse Yourself in Quranic Culture: 

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Quranic culture by exploring related disciplines such as Islamic history, theology, jurisprudence, and spirituality. Delve into biographies of renowned scholars and exegetes, study Tafsir, and engage with the scholarly heritage of the Islamic tradition. By contextualizing your Quranic studies within a broader intellectual framework, you’ll gain deeper insights into its multifaceted meanings and interpretations.

15. Cultivate a Reverential Connection: 

Approach your Quranic studies with a mindset of reverence and humility, recognizing the sacredness of the Quran as the divine word of Allah. Establish a dedicated space for recitation and reflection, free from distractions and conducive to spiritual contemplation. Develop rituals and practices, such as performing Wudu and reciting duas, to sanctify your engagement with the Quran.

16. Embody Quranic Virtues: 

Strive to embody the moral and ethical virtues espoused in the Quran in your daily life. Translate your theoretical knowledge into practical action by integrating Quranic teachings into your conduct and character. Practice compassion, justice, patience, and gratitude in your interactions with others, thereby actualizing the transformative power of the Quranic message in the world around you.

Join the Best Online Quran Classes with Tajweed for Adults!

This brings us to the end of our article which covered an easy way to learn the Quran for beginners. It is essential to keep in mind that if you are a beginner, patience is the key to learning the Quran. It will take you some time to understand the basics, but nothing is too complex to be unachievable.

Get a professional tutor with Riwaq Al Quran Institute. We offer Special Online Quran Classes for kids and adults of all levels and ages as follows:

1. Online Quran Classes for Kids

At Riwaq Al Quran, our Kids’ Quran Course is crafted to deliver a thorough and enriching educational journey. Our courses are meticulously designed to foster a robust understanding and proficient recitation of the Holy Quran in each child.

We offer flexible and captivating online sessions, facilitated by seasoned tutors who are dedicated to providing personalized guidance. We aim to nurture a deep comprehension and affection for the divine verses of Allah among young learners.

2. Online Quran Memorization Course 

We provide a unique Quran Memorization Course that is tailored to meet your needs and goals. No matter if you’re aspiring to memorize the entire Quran or concentrate on memorizing shorter Surahs, our proficient Quranic instructors are available to support you in reaching your objectives. Take the first step on your educational journey with us, where we prioritize long-lasting and efficient Quran memorization.

3. Online Recitation Course with Tajweed 

At Riwaq Al Quran, our online Quran reading course focuses on facilitating easy comprehension of the Quran through the practical application of tajweed rules. With qualified Quran teachers from various regions worldwide, we utilize digital resources to deliver effective learning experiences. 

By the course’s conclusion, both children and adults will attain proficiency in Quranic recitation with accurate Arabic pronunciation. Our primary objective at Riwaq Al Quran is to ensure accessibility to Quran learning for individuals of all ages and nationalities at an affordable cost.

4. Online Quran Tafseer Course

Riwaq Al Quran’s Online Quran Tafseer Course is an extensive program designed to provide students with a deep comprehension of the Quranic text and its interpretation. The course commences by introducing Tafseer, the study dedicated to exploring the meanings and explanations of Quranic verses. 

In our course, students will be introduced to a variety of methods and viewpoints utilized in Tafseer, illuminating their significance in comprehending the profound message of Allah. By delving into these diverse approaches, learners will cultivate a richer understanding of the Quran’s teachings and glean deeper insights into its wisdom.

How Long Does It Take to Learn to Read Quran?

The average time needed by an individual highly depends upon his/her age group, the number of classes, and other factors. Generally, it takes around a year and a half for children of 10 to 13 years of age. It could be less than a year for elders, So there is no specific answer to the question.

If you are trying to learn Quran on your own, then it might take slightly longer, as compared to learning it from an experienced and qualified teacher. But in case you want to learn it at your own pace, then you can head over to YouTube and other sites that offer audio or video lectures online.

It generally is a good idea to seek help from a professional to save time and achieve accuracy. Seeking the help of a special tutor is perceived as the best and fastest way to learn Quran.

How to Learn Quran Memorization Easily

Every Muslim wishes to memorize the Quran and search for easy Quran reading plans as the rewards associated with it are numerous. However, many people who cannot join an institution for memorizing the Quran wonder if it’s possible to do Hifz on their own.

The shortest answer to this question is yes, you can, but you will have to develop a plan and act strictly according to that. We only recommend proceeding with doing Hifz on your own if you already know how to read Arabic properly. If you do not, try learning to read Arabic first and then memorize the Quran.

Contact us now and get a free trial!


This brings us to the end of our article that covered an easy way to learn Quran for beginners. While we are concluding the article, we would like to go through everything one more time.

We have learned that the first step of learning the Quran for a beginner is to get a grip on the Arabic language. Once you have learned about the basic alphabets and rules, you can proceed with reading and learning the Quran.

It is essential to keep in mind that if you are a beginner, patience is the key to learn the Quran. It will take you some time to understand the basics, but nothing is too complex to be unachievable.

It is highly recommended to ask for the help of a professional tutor for learning Quran. Riwaq Al Quran Institute offers Special Online Quran Classes for kids and adults of all levels and we have a dedicated tutor for each student. Feel free to get in touch with us and get two free trials now!

Riwaq Al Quran

Riwaq Al Quran is a prominent online academy that provides comprehensive courses in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies. We utilize modern technology and employ certified teachers to offer high-quality education at affordable rates for individuals of all ages and levels.

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