Learning the meanings of key Quranic words and their roots, students can enhance their comprehension of the text’s language and thematic connections. Understanding Quranic Arabic words is essential for anyone who wishes to deeply comprehend the messages and teachings of the Quran.
This understanding not only enhances one’s ability to recite the Quran correctly but also brings about a more profound appreciation of its meanings and the wisdom contained within. Let’s explore the importance of learning them and learn many words and roots together!
Table of Contents
Quranic Arabic Vocabulary
Building a robust Quranic Arabic vocabulary is fundamental for students of the Quran. This vocabulary encompasses words that appear in various forms and contexts, giving a well-rounded understanding of the language and its usage in the holy text.
Numerous resources can aid in expanding one’s Quranic Arabic vocabulary. Textbooks specifically designed for Quranic studies, online courses, and mobile apps are excellent tools. Additionally, engaging with tafsir can provide deeper insights into the meanings and usage of Quranic vocabulary.
Riwaq Al Quran offers a special variety of courses covering all aspects of Quranic education. From Tafsir, recitation, memorization, and Tajweed to Quranic Arabic, our courses are designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and skills in each area. Whether you are looking to understand the deeper meanings of the Quran through Tafsir, perfect your recitation with proper Tajweed, memorize the Quran, or learn the language of the Quran, Riwaq Al Quran has a course tailored for you.
For those seeking a comprehensive understanding, an all-in-one Quranic vocabulary resource can be invaluable. These resources compile extensive lists of words and phrases, often with translations, explanations, and examples of their usage.

Detailed Quranic Arabic Words List
Here is a timetable of 50 famous Quranic words with their English meanings, transliterations, and the Surahs and verses where they are mentioned:
Word | English Meaning | Transliteration | Surah and Verse |
الله | God | Allāh | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:255) |
قرآن | Quran | Qur’ān | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:185) |
إيمان | Faith | ʾĪmān | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:285) |
رحمة | Mercy | Raḥmah | Surah Al-A’raf (7:56) |
جنة | Paradise/Garden | Jannah | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:25) |
نبي | Prophet | Nabī | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:136) |
صلاة | Prayer | Ṣalāh | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:3) |
زكاة | Almsgiving/Charity | Zakāh | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:177) |
صراط | Path/Way | Ṣirāṭ | Surah Al-Fatiha (1:6) |
كتاب | Book | Kitāb | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:2) |
عبد | Servant/Slave | ʿAbd | Surah Maryam (19:30) |
علم | Knowledge | ʿIlm | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:247) |
حق | Truth/Right | Ḥaqq | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:147) |
ليل | Night | Layl | Surah Al-Furqan (25:47) |
يوم | Day | Yawm | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:62) |
صبر | Patience | Ṣabr | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:153) |
توبة | Repentance | Tawbah | Surah At-Tawbah (9:104) |
حمد | Praise | Ḥamd | Surah Al-Fatiha (1:1) |
أجر | Reward | Ajr | Surah Al-Mutaffifīn (83:36) |
إسلام | Submission | ʾIslām | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:128) |
كافر | Disbeliever | Kāfir | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:6) |
طلاق | Divorce | Ṭalāq | Surah At-Talāq (65:1) |
سعادة | Happiness | Saʿādah | Surah Al-Hadid (57:10) |
جهاد | Struggle/Striving | Jihād | Surah Al-Ankabut (29:69) |
مجاهد | Struggler/Warrior | Mujāhid | Surah Al-Mujādila (58:22) |
قضاء | Judgment | Qaḍāʾ | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:238) |
موت | Death | Mūt | Surah Al-Imran (3:185) |
حياة | Life | Ḥayāh | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:28) |
إله | Deity | ʾIlāh | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:163) |
خلق | Creation | Khalaq | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:30) |
شكر | Gratitude | Shukr | Surah Ibrahim (14:7) |
صوم | Fasting | Ṣawm | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:183) |
حرمة | Sanctity/Respect | Ḥurmah | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:178) |
رحيم | Compassionate | Raḥīm | Surah Al-Fatiha (1:3) |
قمر | Moon | Qamar | Surah Ya-Sin (36:39) |
شمس | Sun | Shams | Surah Ya-Sin (36:38) |
مجرم | Criminal/Transgressor | Mujrim | Surah Al-Ankabut (28:78) |
بر | Goodness | Birr | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:177) |
فرد | Individual/Single | Fard | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:286) |
عقاب | Punishment | ʿIqāb | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:81) |
عدل | Justice | ʿAdl | Surah An-Nisa (4:40) |
ميثاق | Covenant/Agreement | Mīthāq | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:40) |
غفر | Forgiveness | Ghufr | Surah Al-Mumtahina (60:5) |
بركة | Blessing | Barakah | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:261) |
فوز | Success/Victory | Fawz | Surah Al-Ankabut (29:9) |
فضل | Grace/Favor | Faḍl | Surah Al-A’raf (7:96) |
وصية | Will/Bequest | Waṣiyyah | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:180) |
This table includes a diverse selection of important Quranic words along with their transliterations and references to specific Surahs and verses where they are mentioned.
Read more about Quranic Arabic Vs. The Other Forms Of Arabic (Normal Arabic And Modern Arabic)
Quranic Words Roots
The roots of Quranic words form the basis of Arabic morphology and provide insight into the structure and meaning of the language. Each root consists of a set of consonants that convey a core meaning, which can be modified by adding various prefixes, suffixes, and infixes to form different words.
For example, the root “k-t-b” (كتب) relates to writing. From this root, we get words like “kitab” (كتاب) meaning book, “kataba” (كتب) meaning he wrote, and “maktab” (مكتب) meaning office or desk. By understanding the root, one can deduce the meanings of related words and see how they are interconnected.
Here’s a timetable of 20 Quranic words with their roots, English meanings, transliteration, and the verse and Surah where they were mentioned:
Word | Root | English Meaning | Transliteration | Surah and Verse |
نور | ن و ر | Light | Nūr | Surah An-Nur (24:35) |
رحمة | ر ح م | Mercy | Raḥmah | Surah Al-A’raf (7:56) |
صراط | ص ر ط | Path/Way | Ṣirāṭ | Surah Al-Fatiha (1:6) |
علم | ع ل م | Knowledge | ʿIlm | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:247) |
كتاب | ك ت ب | Book | Kitāb | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:2) |
عبد | ع ب د | Servant/Slave | ʿAbd | Surah Maryam (19:30) |
جنة | ج ن ن | Paradise/Garden | Jannah | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:25) |
حكمة | ح ك م | Wisdom | Ḥikmah | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:269) |
شمس | ش م س | Sun | Shams | Surah Ya-Sin (36:38) |
قمر | ق م ر | Moon | Qamar | Surah Ya-Sin (36:39) |
يوم | ي و م | Day | Yawm | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:62) |
ليل | ل ي ل | Night | Layl | Surah Al-Furqan (25:47) |
ملك | م ل ك | King | Malik | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:247) |
إنسان | ن س ي | Human | Insān | Surah Al-‘Asr (103:2) |
حق | ح ق ق | Truth/Right | Ḥaqq | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:147) |
صلاة | ص ل و | Prayer | Ṣalāh | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:3) |
سماء | س م و | Heaven/Sky | Samāʾ | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:22) |
ماء | م و ه | Water | Māʾ | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:22) |
نهر | ن هـ ر | River | Nahr | Surah Muhammad (47:15) |
أرض | أ ر ض | Earth | Arḍ | Surah Al-Baqarah (2:22) |
Role of Quranic Vocabulary Roots
Roots play a critical role in Quranic interpretation, influencing the understanding and translation of the text. Here are four key importances: Here are 7 key importances:
1. Linguistic Precision
Understanding the root of a word provides insight into its primary and extended meanings, which is crucial for discerning subtle nuances in the Quranic text. Since many Arabic words derive from a common root, recognizing this root helps to ensure clarity and accuracy in interpretation. Additionally, the same root can produce different words with varying meanings depending on the context, and knowing the root allows interpreters to consider all potential meanings and select the most appropriate one based on the verse’s context.
2. Consistency in Interpretation
Words derived from the same root often share thematic connections, and identifying these connections can reveal deeper, consistent themes throughout the Quran. This aids in a comprehensive and cohesive interpretation of the text. By tracing words back to their roots, interpreters can avoid common pitfalls of misinterpretation that arise from focusing on surface-level translations or meanings that have evolved over time, ensuring a more accurate understanding.
3. Enhanced Understanding of Syntax and Grammar
Roots are fundamental to Arabic morphology, and understanding the root helps in analyzing the grammatical structure of words. This is crucial for accurate interpretation of sentences and phrases in the Quran. Additionally, recognizing patterns in word formation through roots aids in understanding how different forms of a word are related and how they contribute to the overall meaning of a passage, enhancing the interpreter’s grasp of the text.
4. Access to Classical and Scholarly Interpretations
Many classical Arabic dictionaries and tafsirs (exegeses) are organized around roots, and familiarity with roots allows interpreters to access and understand these traditional sources. These sources provide historical and scholarly insights into Quranic interpretation. Understanding roots also enables interpreters to engage with the scholarly consensus and debates on the meanings of specific words and phrases, ensuring that their interpretations are well-grounded in Islamic scholarship and tradition.
5. Revealing the Depth and Layers of Meaning
The roots of Arabic words often carry multiple layers of meaning, providing a richer understanding of the Quranic text. By examining the root, interpreters can uncover the broader semantic field of a word, which includes various related concepts and ideas. This deeper exploration can lead to a more profound appreciation of the text’s spiritual and moral teachings, as it reveals the interconnectedness and multifaceted nature of the Quranic message.
6. Facilitating Comparative Analysis
Roots enable scholars to compare Quranic usage with other classical Arabic literature, including poetry and prose. This comparative analysis can shed light on the Quran’s unique stylistic features and its use of language in conveying divine guidance. By understanding how certain roots and their derivatives are employed in different contexts, interpreters can better grasp the rhetorical and literary devices used in the Quran, enhancing their ability to appreciate its eloquence and inimitability.
7. Supporting Exegetical Methodologies
Roots are fundamental to various exegetical methodologies, such as linguistic, philological, and semantic analysis. These methodologies rely on a thorough understanding of roots to analyze the text’s language, structure, and meaning. By utilizing roots in their exegetical work, scholars can develop more nuanced interpretations that consider the Quran’s linguistic complexity and its intended message. This approach helps ensure that interpretations remain faithful to the original Arabic text and its divine intent, promoting a deeper and more accurate understanding of the Quran.
Read more about Quranic Arabic Grammar Full Guide

Master Quranic Arabic with Our Comprehensive Course!
Enroll in Riwaq Al Quran’s Quranic Arabic course to master the language of the Quran. Our comprehensive course is designed to build your vocabulary, enhance your understanding of Quranic texts, and deepen your connection to the sacred words.
With experienced instructors and a structured curriculum, you’ll gain the skills needed to interpret and appreciate the Quran’s profound teachings. Join us today and embark on a transformative journey to learn Quranic Arabic!
We offer several courses such as:
- Online courses for kids.
- Online Quran classes for kids and adults.
- Online Arabic courses
- Online Ijazah courses
- Online Islamic Studies courses.
Here are a sample of our set of Quran Courses that will be helpful for you:
- Online Tafseer Course: Delve into Quranic meanings with our insightful online Tafseer course.
- Noorani Qaida Online: Learn Quranic basics efficiently through our Noorani Qaida online program.
- Online Quran Recitation Course: Enhance Quranic recitation skills through our expert-led online course.
- Online Tajweed Classes: Master Tajweed rules for beautiful Quranic recitation in online classes.
- Quran Memorization Online Course: Memorize the Quran effectively with our specialized online memorization course.
- Online Qirat Course: Explore diverse Qirat styles with our comprehensive online Qirat course.
- Online Quran Classes for Kids: Nurture a love for the Quran in kids through interactive online classes.
Understanding Quranic Arabic vocabulary is pivotal for anyone seeking a deeper connection with the Quran. By familiarizing yourself with key Quranic words and their roots, you not only enhance your ability to recite and memorize the Quran accurately but also gain valuable insights into its teachings.
The roots of these words provide a foundation for interpreting the text with greater precision, revealing thematic connections and enriching your overall comprehension. This knowledge empowers you to appreciate the Quran’s linguistic beauty and spiritual depth, contributing to a more profound and meaningful engagement with the sacred text. To truly benefit from this rich language, enrolling in a comprehensive Quranic Arabic course, such as those offered by Riwaq Al Quran, can be a transformative step.