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I am Ahmed Mahrous
I live in Tanta _Egypt
42 years old married and have 4 kids
I am graduated from faculty of law in 2001,
Alhamdullulah, I memorized the whole Qur�an by heart 15 years ago.
Have been teaching Quran, tajweed and Arabic since 200?4.
200?4 TO 200?8 I used to work as supervisor for Quran and Islamic studies for kindergartens
In 2008, I established the first halqa for teaching the Holy Qur�an in the village of Mitt Habeeq al-Bahriya in the city of Tanta, and then it became an association and I was the manager until it was closed down in 2020 due to Corona, we had over 800 students at this time. and About 25 teacher
I have ijaza in Hafs and some other Qiraat ( Qaloon , Ibn Kathir ,Ibn A`Mir , Alkisai , Abu Ja`fr and about to finish Warsh )
It is my greatest honor to teach the Qur�an as the prophet (peace be upon him) said “the best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it”.
Throughout 18 years of experience in teaching.
Alhamdullulah I had the opportunity to learn and practice many tools and programs which needed in teaching such as Microsoft programs , zoom , PDF readers etc