How to teach a child the Arabic alphabet and how to continue this process, which is often difficult even for adults, leaves a question mark in our minds. Teaching Arabic to a child is an education related to their visual, auditory and language development.
In short, every child with the ability to communicate can learn the alphabet effectively and permanently, supported by programs, different activities and other materials suitable for his/her age and perception skills. So, are these methods also valid for teaching children the Arabic alphabet? Of course! It is possible with the right technique and activities. Let’s take a look.
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How to Teach a Child the Arabic Alphabet
Start by Introducing the Letters
Some of the frequently asked and most important questions that pop up in our minds as parents: How to teach a child the Arabic alphabet? What is the best way that can keep my child passionate about learning Arabic? How do I teach my child to recognize the alphabet and become totally familiar with all the letters?
Well, learning the Arabic alphabet for beginners starts with determining the methods according to the age groups of the children. Therefore, the most important thing is to teach these selected methods to children with pictures, games and activities that will attract their attention and keep them passionate about learning. Thankfully, you can find many activities that show how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet in interactive and fun ways.
You can find here some other tips that can make teaching Arabic for kids way easier!
Arabic Alphabet Activities for Fun and Permanent Learning
Arabic alphabet flash cards
Flashcards prepared with different pictures and colors that will attract children’s attention will evoke objects and terms that exist in their daily lives, and thus the letters will be more easily placed in their minds.
But at this point, it should be noted that while doing these activities with the flashcards, the whole alphabet should not be taught at once. The memorability of the cards depends on the processing of the letters at regular intervals.
Cutting and pasting these flashcards together will provide the child with the opportunity to learn while having fun. Making and learning activities to teach the Arabic letters for kindergarten is one of the best methods used on how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet, especially for this age group.
Using Arabic alphabet worksheets
Activities can be done to teach the writing of the letters by going over the letters given in the worksheet in lines. Tasks such as matching letters and pictures, and completing the blanks can be given to the child. It will be useful to adjust the time worked with worksheets in a way that does not tire the children. Just note that using the same method repeatedly for a long time can slow down the learning process and become boring for the child that is why it is highly recommended to get the most of the different activities on how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet.
Writing letters using different objects
Making and learning activities are some of the best methods that can be found on how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet. For example, letters can be written by the student on a flat surface using pulses or stones. Also, the letters can be drawn on the ground with the help of chalks or any other object.
Online word and alphabet games
The online sites that we use quite often these days can be used in a useful and developing way on how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet under the control of adults. It is in our hands to use digital channels to our advantage. Don’t forget, practice means ensuring the permanence of the knowledge and it is a popular pick when searching about how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet.
Teaching letters with repetition technique
Auditory memory: which includes listening carefully, processing, and storing, is one of the most important learning skills. In the repetition method, the teacher first says the letters aloud, and then the students repeat what the teacher says by using their imitation skills. If this method is done at certain periods it is coded into the student’s memory. This effective learning technique can be supported by children’s songs, Arabic cartoons and it takes an unforgettable place in the mind with the intonations and melodies.
How to Teach a Child to Read Arabic
We talked about listening and being able to write in Arabic. These were two of the basic building blocks of learning any language. Now, we will talk about the third one “reading”. At this point, the role of the teacher is quite much.
It is absolutely important to read Arabic stories or short passages during lessons. In a continuous learning process, the repetition of the words in texts will improve the student’s reading skills as well. These were some golden pieces of advice about how to teach a child the Arabic Alphabet. Hope you will enjoy these activities!
The Role of the Teacher in Effective Learning

It is very important for the teacher to have previous experience with the age group to which he/she will teach. Being able to understand the student’s feelings and perception level enables the teacher to have healthy communication with the student. Good communication means good knowledge transfer, which ensures efficient and permanent learning.
The Influence of Parents on a Child’s learning progress
Parents need to be patient with their children. Learning a new language is like raising a human being and knowing how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet properly requires patience as well as attention. It is important to know that you should not expect results from any learning process that is irregular and unstable. In order for your child to receive a quality language education, you can ensure that your child takes lessons from reliable teachers that provide quality in education. By clicking on this link, you can access our online course instructions with our experienced tutors.
When is the best time for my child to start learning Arabic?
According to the experts, under seven is the ideal age for a second language. If these age groups are in a process that develops automatically from a young age, they will not go back and forth between their own language and the language they learned.
The culture that the child lives in and the Arab culture will automatically take a place in his /her life. In this way, pronunciation and accent problems will not be a problem as they have learned these since their childhood.
On the other hand, it is clear for us that when a 3-year-old child starts to speak fluently, it is possible for him/her to start learning the Quran in some way. So we can say that we can start to introduce letters.
Why is it important to learn the Arabic alphabet at a young age?
The importance of learning the Arabic Alphabet at a young age for us, Muslims, stems from the fact that this language is the language of our Holy Quran. Knowing the language of Quran makes you closer to Allah. No effort in the way of Allah goes unrewarded. May Allah surround us and our children with his knowledge!
We should all try to get the most of the different methods on how to teach a child the Arabic alphabet until our children get totally familiar with all the Arabic letters as it is the first step towards learning the recitation of the Quran.
Fortunately, you can teach your children Arabic from the comfort of your own home by enrolling in our Online Arabic Classes for Kids. Register now and get two free trials!