Women Memorizing And Reading the Quran on Period: Full Guide For Mushaf And Phone

Reading the Quran on period

For many Muslim women, Reading the Quran on Their Period is an important aspect of their faith. This guide provides a detailed understanding of the rulings and practices regarding reading the Quran during menstruation based on various Islamic schools of thought.

This guide provides a thorough understanding of the varying perspectives and practices related to reading the Quran during menstruation. The focus will be on the Shafi’i and Hanafi schools, as well as practical ways to stay connected with the Quran during this time.

What Are The Ruling Of Reading the Quran On Period?

Understanding the Islamic rulings on reading the Quran during menstruation involves examining the perspectives of different schools of thought, each offering nuanced views based on their interpretation of Islamic law and traditions.

Women’s Reading Of The Quran During the Period Shafi’i and Hanafi

Islamic rulings on reading the Quran during menstruation highlight the diversity of thought within Islamic jurisprudence. Exploring these guidelines from various schools of thought helps Muslim women maintain their spiritual practices confidently. This guide provides practical solutions and support, ensuring a continuous connection with faith during menstruation.

Women’s Period And Reading The Quran Shafi’i

The Shafi’i school generally advises against reciting the Quran during menstruation. However, women can still engage in other forms of worship such as dhikr (remembrance of Allah), supplications, and reading religious texts that are not considered Quranic recitation.

This perspective is based on a hadith that restricts women in their menstrual period and those in a state of major ritual impurity (junub) from reciting the Quran.

Reading the Quran During the Period of Hanaf

The Hanafi school provides a more lenient approach, allowing women to read the Quran from digital devices like smartphones and tablets during menstruation. This is because these devices are not considered physical copies of the Quran (mushaf). 

Women can also study the Quran for educational purposes, such as memorization and revision, without touching the mushaf. The Hanafi scholars emphasize that the prohibition applies only to physical contact with the mushaf, not to the act of recitation itself.

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Reading the Quran On The Phone During The Period Or Any Digital Device

Reading the Quran on a phone or tablet during menstruation is widely accepted among scholars since the device is not a physical mushaf. This practice is particularly encouraged in the Hanafi school, making it a convenient option for women to maintain their Quranic recitation.

Digital devices offer an accessible way to engage with the Quran, allowing for continued spiritual growth without physical contact with the mushaf.

Alternative Practices for Engaging with the Quran

  • Wearing gloves: Women can wear gloves to avoid direct contact with the mushaf while reading. This practice provides a way to respect the sanctity of the Quran while adhering to traditional guidelines.
  • Reading translations: Reading Quranic translations, such as in English, is often considered permissible since they are not viewed with the same level of sanctity as the Arabic text. This allows women to reflect on the meanings and teachings of the Quran without direct recitation.
  • Listening to Quranic recitations: Listening to the Quran is another way to stay connected with the holy text without direct recitation. This practice is particularly beneficial for maintaining a spiritual atmosphere and continuing to reflect on Quranic teachings.

Can You Read Quran On Your Phone While On Your Period Hanafi?

Yes, according to the Hanafi school of thought, women are allowed to read the Quran from digital devices such as smartphones and tablets while they are on their period. 

This permissibility is based on the understanding that digital devices are not considered physical copies of the Quran (mushaf). Therefore, reading the Quran from a phone or tablet does not involve direct physical contact with the mushaf, making it permissible during menstruation.

The Hanafi school distinguishes between the physical mushaf and digital displays of the Quran. The prohibition in the Hanafi school applies to touching the mushaf directly during menstruation, but digital devices fall outside this prohibition. Therefore, women can engage in Quranic recitation and study using these devices.

SO, Reading the Quran on a phone or tablet during menstruation is permissible in the Hanafi school, providing a flexible and practical solution for women to continue their spiritual practices without direct contact with the mushaf.

Evidence And Hadiths about women reading Quran in the Period

Various hadiths and scholarly opinions provide insights into the allowances for women reading the Quran during their menstrual periods. 

Scholars emphasize the importance of intention and context, suggesting that women should not feel disconnected from their faith due to natural biological processes. 

For example, some scholars highlight the importance of maintaining spiritual well-being and allow leniency in times of necessity.

It is very important to note that what we have been discussing here is restricted to what a menstruating woman recites from memory. When it comes to reading from the Mus-haf (the Arabic text itself), a different rule applies. 

The correct view of the scholars is that it is forbidden to touch the mus-haf when one is in any kind of state of impurity because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“… which none can touch except the purified.” [al-Waqi’ah 56:79]

In a letter to ‘Amr ibn Hazm, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told the people of Yemen:

“No one should touch the Quran except one who is tahir (pure).

Aisha reported that during her menstruation, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would tell her to perform all acts of worship except for direct contact with the Quran. This is often interpreted to mean that while touching the mushaf is prohibited, other forms of engagement might be permissible

There is a hadith where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated,

“The menstruating woman and the one who is in a state of major ritual impurity should not recite anything from the Quran.”

This has led some scholars to advise against recitation during menstruation.

Don’ts During Menstruation in Islam

Islamic guidelines offer comprehensive dos and don’ts during menstruation. 

  • Umrah and Hajj 
  • Jima’ prayers
  • fasting
  • Prayer 
  • Touching the Quran directly

Do’s During Menstruation in Islam

Islamic guidelines offer comprehensive do’s and don’ts during menstruation. While direct contact with the mushaf is generally discouraged, engaging in other forms of worship and maintaining cleanliness are emphasized. These guidelines aim to ensure that women continue to feel spiritually connected and supported during their menstrual period.

1. Psychological and Spiritual Well-being

Staying connected with the Quran during menstruation has significant psychological and spiritual benefits. Engaging in Quranic recitation and reflection can provide comfort and a sense of normalcy. Maintaining a routine of spiritual practices, even if modified, helps in staying connected with faith and supports mental well-being.

2. Educational Pursuits

Women who are engaged in memorizing the Quran or studying it intensively may find that taking breaks during menstruation disrupts their learning process. For these women, using digital devices to continue their studies can be particularly beneficial. This approach ensures that women can progress in their Quranic education without interruption.

3. Community Practices

Understanding and respecting different community practices can help in navigating the varied interpretations. Engaging in discussions with knowledgeable community members or scholars can provide further clarity and support. Community practices may vary, and it is important to find an approach that aligns with one’s personal beliefs and community norms.

4. Using Digital Devices

Women can read and memorize the Quran from digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, or computers. This method is widely accepted since these devices are not considered physical copies of the Quran (mushaf).

5. Listening to Recitations

Listening to Quranic recitations is a beneficial way to stay connected and learn the Quran. Women can use various apps or online platforms to listen to different reciters and understand the pronunciation and tajweed (rules of recitation).

6. Reading Translations

Reading translations of the Quran is another way to continue learning. Translations are not considered the same as the Arabic text, allowing women to reflect on the meanings and deepen their understanding.

7. Joining Online Classes

Women can participate in online Quran classes that focus on tafsir (interpretation) and Quranic studies. These classes provide valuable insights and allow for continued learning without physical interaction with the mushaf.

Practical Tips for Engaging with the Quran During Menstruation

Maintaining a spiritual connection with the Quran during menstruation is important for many Muslim women. Here are some practical tips to help:

1. Use dedicated apps: 

Many apps are designed specifically for Quran recitation and study, offering features that can be used during menstruation. These apps provide access to the Quran without physical contact, making them a convenient tool for continued engagement.

2. Set a routine: 

Maintaining a routine of spiritual practices, even if modified, can help in staying connected with faith. Incorporating practices like dhikr, supplication, and listening to Quranic recitations can provide a structured approach to spiritual maintenance.

3. Seek knowledge: 

Continuously learning about the different scholarly opinions can empower women to make informed decisions about their religious practices. Engaging in educational resources, attending lectures, and participating in community discussions can enhance understanding and support informed practice.

Can women read the Quran during menstruation?

Reading The Quran during a period for women depends on the school of thought; The Shafi’i school generally advises that women can’t read the Quran during menstruation, while the Hanafi school permits reading from digital devices.

Is it permissible to read the Quran on a phone during menstruation?

Yes, many scholars, especially from the Hanafi school, permit reading the Quran on a phone or tablet during menstruation.

Can women listen to Quranic recitations during menstruation?

Yes, listening to Quranic recitations is allowed and is a good way to stay connected with the holy text.

Touching the Quran during menses

In Islamic jurisprudence, the rulings on touching the Quran during menses vary among different schools of thought. Generally, the consensus among scholars is that women should avoid direct contact with the mushaf (the physical copy of the Quran) during menstruation. This practice is based on a hadith that restricts those in a state of major ritual impurity from touching the Quran.

In the Hanafi school, direct contact with the mushaf is prohibited, but using digital devices to read the Quran is permissible since these are not considered physical copies.

Similarly, the Shafi’i school advises against touching the mushaf but allows other forms of engagement such as listening to recitations or reading translations.

Reading the Quran on period without touching it

Women can continue their Quranic studies and spiritual practices during menstruation, ensuring a continuous connection with their faith.

Scholars from different schools of thought generally agree on alternative methods, emphasizing that menstruation should not prevent women from maintaining their spiritual connection with the Quran. The focus is on finding permissible ways to engage with the Quran that align with traditional guidelines and personal comfort.

So, Women can read the Quran during their periods without touching the physical mushaf (the Arabic text of the Quran) directly.

Reading the Quran on your period with gloves.

Women can wear gloves or digital devices to read the Quran without direct contact with the mushaf.

Is reading Quranic translations allowed during menstruation?

Yes, reading translations of the Quran is generally considered permissible as they do not hold the same sanctity as the Arabic text.

How can women stay connected with their faith during menstruation?

Engaging in dhikr, supplications, listening to Quranic recitations, and reflecting on Quranic teachings can help maintain a spiritual connection.

Can You Read the Quran in English while on Your Period?

Riwaq Al Quran offers comprehensive courses in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies for kids and adults. Utilizing modern technology and certified teachers, the academy provides high-quality education tailored to various age groups and proficiency levels. Here’s how it works:

  1. Flexible Online Learning: Classes are conducted online, making them accessible from anywhere.
  2. Qualified Teachers: Certified instructors ensure quality education.
  3. Tailored Courses: Programs are designed to cater to beginners as well as advanced learners.
  4. Interactive Learning: Engaging methods and tools enhance the learning experience.


  • Convenience: Study from home at your own pace.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers Quranic recitation, Arabic language, and Islamic studies.
  • Personalized Attention: One-on-one and group sessions are available.

By offering flexible and interactive learning options, Riwaq al-Quran is an ideal platform for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of the Quran, Arabic language, and Islamic studies through structured, high-quality, and accessible courses.

Can Women learn the Holy Quran During The Menstrual period?

Learning and studying the Quran during menstruation is encouraged, especially through digital means or indirect interaction with the mushaf. 

This ensures that women can continue their religious education without interruption, maintaining a strong spiritual connection.

So, Yes, women can learn and study the Holy Quran during their menstrual period, In some ways, they can continue their Quranic education

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How Riwaq Al Quran Can help you?

Join us at Riwaq Al Quran a leading online academy offering comprehensive courses in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies. Utilizing modern technology and certified teachers, the academy provides high-quality education at affordable rates for learners of all ages and levels. Their dedication to top-notch education has made them a trusted choice for deepening Quranic knowledge and fostering spiritual growth.

We offer several courses such as:

  1. Online courses for kids.
  2. Online Quran classes for kids and adults.
  3. Online Arabic courses
  4. Online Ijazah courses
  5. Online Islamic Studies courses.

Here are a sample of our set of Quran Courses that will be helpful for you:


This guide helps Muslim women navigate the practice of reading the Quran during their menstrual periods. It ensures that women feel spiritually supported and informed, allowing them to maintain their religious practices with confidence and ease.

By exploring the guidelines from different schools of thought, Muslim women can maintain their spiritual practices with confidence and knowledge, ensuring a continuous connection with their faith, and helping women easily navigate their religious duties. 

The emphasis on intention, context, and flexibility in practice allows for a balanced approach to spiritual engagement during menstruation.

Riwaq Al Quran

Riwaq Al Quran is a prominent online academy that provides comprehensive courses in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies. We utilize modern technology and employ certified teachers to offer high-quality education at affordable rates for individuals of all ages and levels.

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