Can I Read Quran For My Dead Parents? Reading Quran for the dead isn’t something the prophet or his companions did. There is no Hadith or Quran about it. It’s controversial because of that and scholars have different opinions on the matter.
Let’s check both opinions and their reasoning. And for an easy solution for you, check the summary at the end –A solution to get the reward for both, you and your parents, while avoiding the disagreement all together.
In a Nutshell: The debate over reading the Quran for deceased parents divides scholars, with some cautioning against it due to a lack of explicit scriptural support, while others permit it based on the transfer of rewards principle.
However, consensus exists on the importance of making Dua for the deceased, as recommended in Sunnah. Specific Surahs or rituals for the deceased lack solid evidence and may lead to innovation.
Instead, scholars advise focusing on continuous charity, spreading beneficial knowledge, and making general prayers for the departed, avoiding practices lacking clear scriptural backing.
Reading The Quran For Deceased: Introduction
Reading the Quran for deceased individuals, such as parents, is debated. Some scholars discourage it due to a lack of direct scriptural support, while others allow it, citing the transfer of reward for good deeds.
However, there’s no specific Surah, including Surah Mulk or Yaseen, recommended for the deceased. Instead, practices like charity, beneficial knowledge, and making dua (prayers) are encouraged, as they align with the Sunnah and offer clear rewards.
Can I Read Quran for My Dead Parents?
The question of whether one can read the Quran for their deceased parents is subject to disagreement among scholars. Some argue against it, stating that acts of worship are based on specific references from the Quran or Sunnah (Tawqifi), and cannot be done on behalf of others, akin to how one cannot pray on behalf of another person.
As for mentioned worships in Sunnah that can be done on behalf of others like Umrah, Dua, Sadaqah, that’s allowed because of the specific Sunnah it’s mentioned in.
This viewpoint is supported by scholars like Imam Malik, Shaf’i, and contemporary scholars such as Ibn Baz. They allow certain acts like Umrah, Dua, and Sadaqah on behalf of others only because of specific mentions in Sunnah.
On the other hand, some scholars permit reading the Quran for dead parents, citing the concept that individuals can transfer the reward of their deeds to others since they own it. This viewpoint is supported by scholars like Imam Ahmed, Abu Hanifah, and contemporary scholars such as Ibn Othaimeen.
However, it’s emphasized that this allowance is for general reading and not for specific timings, Surahs, or habitual practices, which scholars caution against.
It’s important to understand that when scholars say it’s allowed, they are only talking about the general reading of Quran on behalf of someone else. Specifying a timing for reading it (Like the day of death for example), specifying Surah’s or forms of reading, or making it a habit is warned against from scholars.
Should we read the Quran when someone dies?
No, as it’s a matter of dispute. Also, there is no Sunnah that say we should, and scholars who allow it only say it’s allowed not something that’s recommended. We can make Dua when people die, as that is the Sunnah.
When The prophet buried a man, the prophet peace be upon him said: “Ask for your brother to be steady, as he is now questioned.”
Reciting the Quran for Deceased Hadith
There are no authentic hadith about reciting Quran for the dead.
The reason why some scholars say it’s okay, is because they say that it’s generally allowed to give the reward of your good deeds to someone else.
But that general rule or the specific application of it to Quran isn’t found in Quran or hadith.
Is Reading the Quran for The Dead Bid’ah?
Yes, many scholars say reading Quran for the dead is a bid’ah”, because it was not something that the prophet peace be upon him or his companion did.
But just as there is a disagreement on the original case, the disagreement continues in the case of counting it as Bidah or not.
Note that some of the scholars who say it’s better avoided don’t say it’s a Bida’h because of the disagreement.
Which surah to recite for dead person?
There is no Hadith about reading a certain Surah from the Quran for the dead, and so there is no mention of a specific surah to read.
The hadiths that mention specific surah to read for the dead are weak hadith, not authentic. As explained below.
Note That some scholars who say it’s generally allowed to read Quran for the dead agree that no specific surah is mentioned.
Even many of those who may say that reading Quran for the dead is generally allowed, would say that specifying a surah to read for the dead is more inline with being a Bid’ah than something that’s allowed
1. Surah Mulk for dead person
There is no authentic hadith about reading surah Mulk for dead person.
The hadith is about when you are alive you can read surah Mulk to prevent your punishment in grave. That hadith is in Mustadrak Al-Hakim and some scholars say it’s valid, but it’s from the saying of companion Ibn Mas’oud not the prophet peace be upon him.
Reading Surah Al-Mulk specifically for dead person increases a lot it’s probability of being a Bid’ah.
2. Reading Surah Yaseen When Someone Dies
There is no authentic hadith about reading surah Yassen for a dead person.
The hadith on it isn’t strong, but it talks about reading Surah Yaseen while the person is dying. At that time it’s a good reminder like reminding him of saying Shahadah. But it isn’t about reading it after his death for any special reward.
Reading Surah Yaseen specifically for dead person increases a lot it’s probability of being a Bid’ah.
3. Reading Surah Fatiha For The Dead
There is no authentic hadith about reading surah Fatiha for the dead.
Reciting Surah Mulk 41 Times
There is no such thing as reading a surah Mulk 41 times for a dead person! This is a question that became popular on no basis whatsoever. This show cases how people can compound innovation to make up things that are totally baseless on grounds of emotional attachments, like trying to do something for a loved one who died.
Islam is complete and Sunnah has a very good alternative for what to do for a dead person.
The prophet peace be upon him said: “If a human dies, his good deeds end, except from three sources: a continuous Charity (Sadaqah Jariah), A beneficial knowledge, or A good son making Dua for him”Sahih Muslim
Sadaqah Jariah: Refers to a charity that contious to benefit the people, unlike money that is used once.
For example: making a well so that people drink from, donating a farming land which it’s profit goes to charity annually and so on
beneficial knowledge: Any help to spread knowledge of Islam, Quran, Sunnah or anything beneficial, has it’s reward continue as the people keep practicing and benefiting from that knowledge
For Example: writing a book, helping with printing and distributing Mushaf and so on
A Good son’s Dua: The son who does good deeds on earth while his parent is in grave, and makes Dua for them, is a source of continues stream of good deeds for them
Note that in Arabic the word used for son can refer to a boy or a girl. Also, keep in mind the condition of goodness, which needs that the goodness of the son helps in accepting the Dua.
Following Sunnah is always better than innovating, as Sunnah gurantees us what Allah accepts, while innovation just lead us astray.
What is the Quranic prayer for the dead?
There are many prayers in the Quran for the dead I will only mention a couple as the best way to learn them is to read the Quran itself and discover them while reading. (Learn Arabic Here)
ربنا اغفر لنا ولإخواننا الذين سبقونا بالايمان ولا تجعل في قلوبنا غلا للذين امنوا ربنا إنك رؤوف رحيم Surah Al-Hashr Ayah 10
Rabana Ighfir Lana wa Li ikhwanina Allazina Sabaqona bi Al-Iman wa la Tag’al fi Qolobina Ghillan lil-Athina Amanu, Rabana Inka Ra’ouf Rahim.
Our Lord, forgive us and forgive our brothers who have
ربنا اغفر لي ولوالدي وللمؤمنين يوم يقوم الحساب Surah Ibrahim Ayah 41
Rabana Ighfir Li wa li-walidaiia wa lil mu’minen yawma yagowm Al-Hisab
Our lord forgive me, my parents and the believers on the day of judgment
Notice how as Muslims we make dua not just for our dead parents or relatives, but for all dead Muslims in general. This is a part of the connection of the whole Ummah of Muslims.
What Tasbeeh to read when someone dies?
There are Many tasbeeh that you can say for someone who is dead. The most recommended is (Istigfar), asking Allah forgiveness for them, and generally making Dua for them that they have ease in their grave, be granted entrance to paradise and saved from Hell fire and so on.
اللهم اغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد ونقه من الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس
Allahuma Ighsilhu Bi Al-ma’a wa Al-thalg wa Al-Barad, wa Naqqihi mina al-khataya kama Unaqqa al-thawb al-abiad mina aa-danas
O Allah, Wash him with water, and ice and cleanse him from sins as a white dress is cleansed from dirt
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه واعف عنه وعافه وأكرم نزله ووسع مدخله وثبته عند السؤال
Allahuma Ighfir Lahu wa irhamhu, wa I’fu anhu, wa Akrim Nuzulahu, wa wasi’ mudkhalahu, wa thabitthu inda al-suo’al
O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, pardon him, make him stay in a good place, make his entrance wide, and keep him steady while being questioned
اللهم ادخله الجنة واعذه من عذاب القبر وعذاب النار
Allahuma Adkhilu al-Jannah wa A’izhu min ‘Azab Al-Qabr wa ‘Azab Al-Nar
O Allah, grant him paradise and protect him from the tortures of the grave and the tourturs of the fire.
اللهم أبدله داراً خيراً من داره وأهلاً خيراً من أهله وزوجاً خيراً من زوجه
Allahuma Abdilhu Daran Khiran min Darhi wa Ahlan Khiran min Ahlih wa Zawjan Khairan min Zawjih
O Allah, replace for him, a house that’s better than his house, a family that’s better than his family and a wife that’s better than his wife.
Note that you don’t need to be at the graveyard to say these Dua, it can be said any where since the dead don’t hear it either way, it is Allah who is All-Hearing and All-knowing.
Do The Dead Know When We Pray For Them?
No the dead can’t hear the living, but, there is a hadith that alludes to that
The Prophet peace be upon said: “The man goes up degrees in paradise, and asks: How is that? And He is answered: This with the Istigfar (Asking forgiveness) of your son for you” Ibn Majah Hasan
It isn’t clear on if the dead would know the exact person who prayed for him, and it is unclear if this is will be in grave or on the Day of Judgment.
There is another hadith that’s unauthentic which mentions Sadakah or prayer is gifted on plates of light for the dead in grave. But some scholars say it’s fabricated, not authentic.
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There is a disagreement on reading Quran for the dead, while some scholars say it’s okay because there is no specific forbidding of it in Quran or Hadith, other scholars say it’s Bidah (Innovation) because it’s a form of worship, and for such worships specific mention that it’s okay is required.
There is an easy solution: Read the Quran from a Mushaf that the parent gave. It’s counted as shared knowledge, and both get the reward, and Allah knows best.
This way, you get out of this disagreement, be safe from falling into Bidah, while also have a guarantee (Inn Sha’a Allah) that the reward reaches the parent. So, as a parent make sure to leave behind a legacy of Quran. Gift your children a Mushaf, teach them Quran, and connect them with the Nobel book of Allah.
If you don’t know how or where to start, Riwaq AlQuran is here for you —with lessons are on various Quranic topics and suitable for all ages