Hifz Quran for Adults | Best Hifz Classes for Adults

Best Hifz Classes for Adults

Do you want to become a Hafiz? Need to strengthen your Hifz? Adults who want to do Hifz or strengthen it are now postponing their Hifz education due to their different intensities and impossibilities, we offer you courses by our Hafiz tutors who can speak Arabic, English, and Urdu anywhere. These Hifz classes for adults are aimed not only to make you a good Hafiz but also to make you apply the Quran, with Tajweed principles perfectly.

Start your lessons Now for Free and register for regular lessons and create your own study plan!

Who Can Join Our Hifz Classes for Adults?

And this is how the process begins… For those who want to join Hifz classes for adults, first of all, the level assessment is done. Then, a program is prepared according to the level of the course attendee. In this part, it should not be forgotten that Hifdh is not just a memorization process, but a goal that requires patience and stability.

The more frequent the lessons, the more beneficial the process will be for both the student and the tutor. Efficiency in such Hifz classes for adults is doubled and the foundations of Hifz are laid solid. The last and most important thing to start with is your will and determination. Remember that a good start will get you halfway through.

Speaking of the road, If you are determined to engrave the Noor of the Quran in your heart and mind but you need a guide to get you to your destination in the best way possible, you are at the right place in Riwaq Al Quran! 

Why Our Quran Hifz Course for Adults Is the Best?

Here is a list of 10 reasons why Riwaq Al Quran is the best place for Hifz:

  • We have Al Azhar certified online male/female teachers.
  • We offer one-to-one Hifz classes for adults so that a significant increase in the efficiency of the lessons is achieved.
  • Your Hifz process is also accelerating.
  • It is aimed to keep you dynamic with regular repetition and practice techniques.
  • We choose the best tutors with the best communication skills for you.
  • Our teachers are native Arabs. At the same time, we offer you the option to continue your lessons in English and Urdu.
  • We always keep your motivation high with an energetic, dynamic, and fun course environment.
  • There is a free level assessment for all our new students who will join us.
  • We increase your knowledge of Tajweed and Tarteel, not just memorization.
  • We teach the general meanings of the verses and the reasons for their revelation.
  • Our courses include all the criteria you are looking for with affordable subscription fees!

Hifz Classes for Adults London

A Muslim learning Quran online

If you are looking for an address where you can make Hifz online with just a few clicks, contact us!

We are ready to be your companion and guide you in the best way in this process with our qualified staff, special Hifz program for adults, and permanent and effective teaching techniques.

Whether you are in London or on the other side of the world. Now you can join our Hifz classes for adults delivered by native Arab & Hafiz tutors thanks to technology that removes distances with one click!

Adult Quran Hifz Classes

Speaking of classrooms, we hear you asking whether Hifz groups or one-on-one lessons would be better for you.

Here is the answer:

Most Muslims looking for Hifz classes for adults prefer one-on-one lessons. The reason for this is that if the memorization process proceeds as a teacher-student, it is observed that it is 30%-40% faster than taking Hifz classes for adults in groups. At the same time, it is a great advantage for the student to receive full attention from the teacher and to continue in a regular and focused manner without interrupting the student’s repetitions and practices.

Can I Join Hifz Classes for Adults Even Though I Do Not Aim to Become a Hafiz?

Of course, you can join! Many people think that only those who want to be Hafiz can join when Hifz is mentioned. However, it is not. Our aim is to make it affordable and possible for Muslims to learn the Quran and keep sections of the Quran in their hearts and minds, regardless of their age, gender, or country.

Abdullah ibn Amr (ra) reported that the Prophet Muhammad said: “Fasting and the Qur’ān will intercede for the slave on the Day of Judgement. Fasting will say, ‘O My Lord! I prevented him from food and desires during the day, so accept my intercession for him.’ And the Qur’ān will say, ‘I prevented him from sleep during the night, so accept my intercession for him.’ …thus they will intercede.”

This Hadith shows us the importance of renewing our intentions to learn the Holy Quran and start such a rewarding endeavor as the Quran will intercede for us on the Day of Judgement inshaAllah.

How to Hifz Quran Online

Ali Ibn Abi Talib narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Whoever recites the Quran and memorizes it, making lawful what it makes lawful, and unlawful what it makes unlawful, Allah will admit him to Paradise due to it, and grant him intercession for ten of his family members who were to be consigned to the Fire.” (Jami’ At-Tirmidhi)

Whether face-to-face or online, Muslims are looking for the best ways to recite the virtue of being a Hafiz with the awareness of these words of our Prophet. If we do not have traces of the Quran in our hearts, in our minds, our hearts will fade and become dark like a flower that is not watered and taken care of.

Riwaq Al Quran guides you on how to proceed and where to start before starting the Hifz process by making a free-level assessment for its new students. It turns this patience-requiring process into a fun and satisfying process with its dynamic educational staff. To get started for free, all you have to do is click and contact us!

Am I Too Late to Become a Hafiz?

Taking notes while learning Quran

When Hifz is done at a young age, although the occupations are less and the mind is clear, this does not mean that adults cannot be Hafiz. As a matter of fact, as long as there is determination, desire, and stability, Hifz can be done by spreading over a period of time according to one’s potential.

On average, our students take from 3 to 5 years. Of course, this is directly proportional to the number of lessons taken per week as well as the student level and determination. In short, it’s never too late for anything!

We offer one-to-one lessons to make this process easier for you. There are thousands of Muslims who are adults like you and strive for the same goal in the world. You can make the most of the opportunities provided by technology and use it as a tool for worship. Meet our experienced native Arab teachers and enjoy your Hifz classes for adults!

About Our Class Structure

The path followed in the process of Hifz Quran for adults, which is the basis of memorization education, is one of the factors that determine the quality of the education in question. The first step of our class structure is:

Experience a Hifz Journey That Keeps Your Motivation High!

Taking lessons from an ideal Hifz teacher means that the teacher himself should base his communication with his students on love, adopt a lesson management approach that considers the psycho-social situation of the student, motivate students, know Arabic and be sufficient in using materials. We have hand-picked our teachers so as to properly deliver the Hifz classes for adults.

Of course, besides this, the student’s own motivation is also of great importance, as someone who knows the meaning and importance of being a Hafiz and understands the value given to it by Allah. When a Muslim starts this process with this intention, having a strong will and consistency, he/she can complete the Hifz education in a short time.

I Want to Become a Hafiz, Where Should I Start?

The Holy book is our guidance

The first thing you need is proper guidance. As a matter of fact, a program made unconsciously will break out after a while and will not carry you forward from where you are. For this reason, Muslims usually either prefer boarding Quran courses or choose to continue online Hifz classes for adults.

Procrastination will always put you one step behind and hinder your progress. In any case, one must be willing and stable so that his efforts will come to an end. Always remind yourself of the following steps:

  • Meet with an expert and chart how to proceed
  • Determine your course frequency
  • Adhere to this syllabus!

While not neglecting your social life during the Hifz process, do not put it in front of your Hifz program. Do not forget that this will be a process, if you can do your Hifz properly, you will spend less time on repetitions in the future. We can compare this to the foundations of the building. The stronger it is, the harder it is to demolish and repair.

Finally, be in harmony with the teacher with whom you will start this process together. Teacher selection is one of the biggest factors that will determine how the process will continue. An energetic and dynamic instructor should be able to provide psychological support not only as a lesson but also during your ups and downs. We are ready to give you a fun and enjoyable Hifz process with our professional team in Riwaq Al Quran! Click and Contact Us!

Hifz Quran Online

Narrated Abdullah bin Amr that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “It shall be said – meaning to the one who memorized the Quran – ‘Recite, and rise up, recite (melodiously) as you would recite in the world. For indeed your rank shall be at the last Ayah you recited.” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi)

Let’s try to be the addressee of the good news given by the Prophet, no matter what technique and how. Fortunately, online platforms that can be accessed by everyone, from children to adults, from children to adults, now offer opportunities that will make your life easier and beautify your hereafter.

Do not miss the opportunity to use technology to your advantage and have one-on-one Hifz Quran online lessons with your teacher, even in the comfort of your home. Start your lessons now for free with our experienced tutors!

Hafiz of Riwaq Al Quran not only memorizes the Quran, but also gains Tajweed knowledge through qualified education. After completing the Quran memorization course in Riwaq Al Quran online, you will gain the following;

Welcome to Riwaq Al Quran Family!

Join millions of people from all over the world who are Hafiz online and take lessons from experienced, native Arab and Hafiz teachers wherever you are! All you have to do is click the link and try it for free today!

We look forward to providing you with a fun, dynamic learning environment! If you too, join the Muslims who become Hafiz through online Hifz courses from all over the world and choose the most practical way to prepare for the Hereafter while the flow of their lives continues!

Contact us now and start your lessons for free! Remember, no matter where you are from in the world, there is only one way to be reached as Muslims, and that is the consent of Allah. We are just one click away to accompany you on this beautiful road!

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