Tajweed: All You Need to Know about It

Tajweed is the science that teaches how to read the Quran beautifully and without mistakes by observing the Makhraj and characteristics of the Quranic letters and following the rules of tajweed. The purpose of Tajweed is to protect the language from mistakes while reciting the Quran. Among the main topics covered in this science are:

● Makhraj and characteristics of the Arabic alphabet

● Tanween & Noon Sakinah

  1. Izhaar Halqi (obviousness)
  2. Idgham (merging)
  3. Iqlaab (changing)
  4. Ikhfaa (hiding)

● Rules of Meem Sakinah

  1. Ikhfaa Shafawy
  2. Idgham Mutamathelayne Sagheer
  3. Izhaar Shafawy 

● Types of Madd 

● Qalqalah

● Noon and Meem Mushaddad

What Is Tajweed in Islam?

What is Tajweed in Arabic language? and how many rules are there in Tajweed? Well, although Tajweed meaning is not literally found in the Quran, it is seen that Allah SWT points in Surah Al-Muzammil out how the Quran should be recited: “and recite the Quran ˹properly˺ in a measured way.”

It is commanded to recite the Qur’an in a measured and beautiful manner. It is of great importance to Muslims since the Quran has been sent down from Allah together with its wording and meaning, it is necessary to pay attention to the pronunciation and meaning pattern that constitutes the integrity of the Quran.

Another factor that makes Tajweed rules necessary is that the language of the Quran is Arabic. Therefore, it should be read in accordance with the characteristics of this language. Since the Quran must be read according to certain rules, Tajweed, which is a kind of sum of these rules, is an integral part of the Quran recitation.

Importance of Tajweed

A Sibha on top of a copy of the Quran

The Prophet attached great importance to the reading of the Quran with Tajweed and appreciated those who read it in this way by giving examples. It was narrated from ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud that Abu Bakr and Umar gave him the glad tidings that the Messenger of Allah had said: “Whoever would like to recite the Qur’an as fresh as when it was revealed, let him recite it like Ibn Umm ‘Abd.”

Again, our Prophet (PBUH) pointed out that the Quran should be read in the best way with the advice: “Make your voices beautiful when you recite the Quran.” (Sunan An-Nasa’i)

It is a fact that human nature always tends to do it in the most beautiful way, it tends to read in a way that touches the heart and heals the soul. It makes people feel awe, and this makes the worship beautiful.

How to Learn Tajweed

In the time of the Prophet, there was no reason for people to learn the Quran with Tajweed. Because then, Tajweed rules that wanted to be learned now were part of their language. With the spread of Islam, those whose mother tongue is not Arabic began to learn the science of Tajweed with some rules in order to pronounce the Quran in the most correct way and not to disturb the meaning pattern. Today, Muslims from all over the world strive to learn this science, both in Quran courses and online Quran lessons.

Is It Compulsory to Read Quran with Tajweed?

Since the Quran was sent down with its wording and meaning, it is Fard Kifayah to learn Tajweed in order to preserve its wording in its original form. Accordingly, it is sufficient for some Muslims to know the rules of tajweed. Those who know receive their reward, but those who do not know do not become sinners.

However, it has been deemed Wajib to follow the rules of tajweed while reciting the Quran in a way that avoids the clear mistakes, which occur when the letters in the verses we recite in prayer, especially in prayer, are corrupted.

Tajweed scholars have divided the mistakes made while reading the Quran into two:

  1. Lahn Jalee (Clear mistakes): These errors are errors such as misreading the letter and so on.
  2. Lahn Khafi (unobvious mistakes): Not applying Ikhfaa, Iqlab, Izhar, etc.

Benefits of Learning Tajweed

  • Prevents clear or hidden errors in reading.
  • Words are pronounced correctly.
  • Meaning changes do not occur in the verses.
  • The Quran is recited in the most beautiful and correct way.
  • The command of Allah SWT to read with Tarteel is obeyed InshAllah.
  • If Tajweed is taken from an Arab Tajweed teacher, your ability to recite with an Arabic accent greatly improves.

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Basic Tajweed Rules Lessons

Lessons 1: Tanween and Noon Sakinah

One of the main topics that form a large part of Tajweed is the rules of Noon Sakeen and Tanween. Let’s first start with their meaning and then learn the Tajweed rules with examples of all their types.

Tanween: It is called nunation when Tanween gives the sound of “an” at the end of the word with fatha, “un” at the end of the word with damma, and “in” at the end of the word with kasra.


As for Noon Sakeen: It is called Noon with Jazm without movement (Harakah). Tanween and Noon Sakeen are read in one of the forms Ikhfaa, Izhaar, Idgham, and Iqlaab according to the letters that follow them.

1- Izhaar (making clear)

If one of the 6 letters with throat letters (Huruf Halqiyyah) comes after Tanween or Noon Sakeen, it is called tanween or noon Sakeen to be read clearly without idgham, Iqlab and Ikhfaa. The Huruf Halqiyyah are:  khaa’ (خ), ghayn (غ), haa’ (ح), ayn (ع), haa (هـ), and hamzah (ء). Example:

2- Idghaam (merging)

It means joining a non-vowel with a vowel so that the two letters become one letter of the second type. As for the meaning of Ghunnah, it is the sound coming from the mouth and nasal cavities for 2 beats.

A) Idgham Bila (without) Ghunnah

If the Quranic letters Lam or Ra come after tanween or sakeen noon, idgham without ghunnah occurs. Examples for Idgham without Ghunnah:

 b) Idgham Ma’al (with) Ghunnah : 

It occurs when one of the letters with Ghunnah (ي – ن – م – و) comes after Tanween or noon Sakeen (in separate words). Example of Idgham with Ghunnah:

3- Iqlaab (converting)

When the letter ba comes after tanween or sakeen noon, it is called turning tanween or noon into a meem letter whilst adding Ghunnah of 2 beats. Example:

4- Ikhfaa (hiding)

If one of the letters of Ikhfaa comes after tanween or noon Sakeen, the Ikhfaa rule appears. It is called not speaking the noon sakeen openly, but hiding or adding a blurry Noon sound with Ghunnah.

Letters of Ikhfaa’ are (ت، ث، ج، د، ذ، ز، س، ش، ص، ض، ط، ظ، ف، ق، ك). or we can simply say: any letter other than the letters of Izhaar, Iqlaab or Idghaam. Example:

letters of Noon Sakinah and Tanween rules

Lessons 2: Rules of Meem Sakinah

Now the rules of noon Sakinah and Tanween are clear. But what are the Meem sakeen rules? Let’s take a look!

1- Ikhfaa Shafawy

It happens when a letter ba with movement comes after meem sakeen. Example:

2- Idghaam Mutamathelyne Sagheer

If a meem with movement (fatha, damma, or kasra) comes after a meem with no Harakah, this rule occurs. Examples:

3- Izhaar Shafawy

It occurs when any letters other than Meem and Baa come after the meem with no Harakah. Example:

Lessons 3: Al Madd

Another basic tajweed rule that should definitely be known is the Madd. The letters of Madd are letters without movement (Harakah) ى و ا. Madd letters allow the letters in front of them to be read by being stretched for a duration of different amounts such as two, four, or six beats. 

Two Beat Madd 

Two-beat Madd is also called natural Madd. In other words, the Madd (elongation) feature is due to the letter itself. It is not based on any subsequent reason such as hamza or Sukoon and its duration is two beats.

Examples: When a letter with fatha comes before “alif” ( ا ) without a vowel, the letter before is read stretched:

Two, Four or Six Beat Madd (the flexible)

If one is to stop on a word and there is Madd before the last letter, then one may pause by extending for four beats or 6 beats with a minimum duration of two beats. Example:

Four Beat Madd

If Madd is in the middle of a word and is followed by hamza, it should be prolonged to four beats. Example:

Another similar four-beat prolongation case is if a word ends with Madd and the other word starts with hamza, the madd letter is also prolonged in the same way. Example:

Six Beat Madd

If a Madd letter is followed by a Shaddah letter, the Madd letter should be prolonged to 6 beats. Example:

Lessons 4: Qalqalah

Qalqalah in tajweed means echoing the Makhraj so that a strong sound is heard. If one of the Qalqalah letters is found without Harakah in the middle of the word, a quick echo should be given. Also, when the Qalqalah letter is at the end of the word, Qalqalah should be pronounced a bit stronger. 

What are the Qalqalah letters? Well, they can be collected in the words (قُطْبُ جَدٍ), or (ق – ط – ب – ج – د) With this coding, it will be easier for you to remember the letters of Qalqalah.

Lessons 5: Noon and Meem Mushaddad

If one of the letters noon or meem has a Shaddah sign, two-beat Ghunnah is applied during the recitation. One point should be noted that even if a pause is made on that letter, two-beat Ghunnah is still pronounced. Example:

How Do I Read Quran with Tajweed?

Two girls reciting the quran

Have you learned the Tajweed rules but don’t know how to apply them? Here are some tips for you:

1- Listen to Quran Recitation with Tajweed

The more Tajweed rules you hear, the more you hear the sounds of the correct application of the rules, and the more you will remember the application of the rules. The Quran with the QR codes is very beneficial in this context today.

2- Write Down What You Learn

Circle the Tajweed rule you have learned in the Quran with a pencil and write down what it is. Repeat this tactic for the first few days. After a certain time, you will automatically recognize the rules InshaAllah.

3- Read the Quran Aloud

Reading aloud gets your mouth used to applying the rules, and it gets easier over time. The more you do this, the more you become able to detect your own mistakes and correct them.

4- Teach Someone Else What You Have Learned

When explaining it to someone else, you make an effort not to get things wrong, and this actually teaches you in the best way. You can also record yourself explaining the rules you learn and how to apply them.

Here is a beautiful story about Tajweed learning that teaches us the importance of Tajweed and how to master it.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Tajweed?

This process, which varies according to the learning speed of the person, can take between 2 months and 6 months on average and it may be shortened or prolonged depending on the person. Taking regular weekly lessons and allocating specific time for learning will increase productivity.

And again, one of the most influential factors in this process is a good guide. Getting support from someone who is experienced in teaching Tajweed is very important in terms of being able to apply what you have learned and being permanent. Remember, it is not about how quickly you learn, but how permanently you learn.

Riwaq Al Quran offers you the best Tajweed classes online with the availability to create your own study plan!

Quran Tajweed Classes Online

Is Tajweed Easy to Learn? Well, learning to read the Quran in the most beautiful way with Tajweed is a process that requires effort, as every beautiful thing requires effort and patience. But in this process, your teacher choice is of great importance. For example, if you learn Tajweed from an Arab Quran Tutor simultaneously with Quran lessons, your ear will become more familiar with the native Arabic accent and Tajweed rules, making the process easier.

Riwaq Al Quran, the online Quran and Tajweed learning platform that appeals to all over the world, offers you fun and flexible Tajweed lessons where you will get fast results. Click to start free Tajweed lessons now!

Riwaq Al Quran

Riwaq Al Quran is a prominent online academy that provides comprehensive courses in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies. We utilize modern technology and employ certified teachers to offer high-quality education at affordable rates for individuals of all ages and levels.

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